Megan Segura
| Jul 22, 2020
Online retailer of pet food and pet-related products will create more than 1,200 jobs in Belton, Mo.
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Lexi Ryan
| Jun 23, 2020
Congratulations to our partners in Lenexa, Kan., on the announcement that Tuthill Corporation, a global manufacturer of industrial pumps, opened a new 53,352-sq.-ft., manufacturing facility, creating 68 jobs.
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Lexi Ryan
| May 21, 2020
Last week, KCADC hosted its second “Real-Time Update,” with a focus on travel in a post-pandemic world. More than 100 participants joined in to hear from travel experts who shared current thinking on short and long-term expectations for corporate, convention and leisure travel, and what to expect as social distancing restrictions begin to loosen.
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