KC Location Advantages
Abundant Real Estate
More than 25 million square feet of spec industrial development was built in KC since 2012. There is also more Foreign Trade Zone space available in KC than any other major market in the U.S. Explore available real estate.
Select Incentives
All Personal Property Tax on machinery and equipment is exempt from taxation in Kansas. Additionally, Missouri communities have discretionary programs developed to reduce or eliminate property tax on machinery and equipment. Review more information about incentives.
Education and Training
Manufacturing industry leaders, education and training providers, and the public workforce system are working together to assess critical hiring needs and the core competencies necessary to fill open positions. This is creating leading-edge education and training programs specifically designed to meet industry’s most pressing needs. For more information visit the Education/Training Overview page.
Pipeline of Preparation
There is an unprecedented commitment (both public and private) to expand education programs in the areas of science, technology, engineering and math. This includes education and training programs at all levels—from elementary to post-secondary.
A 21st Century Workforce
The Kansas City region is focused on designing career and technical initiatives to help attract and train young people in advanced manufacturing.
Worker Productivity
Manufacturing workers in Kansas City are 14.5% more productive than the national average, as measured by JobsEQ in 2020 for output per worker.
Distance to Regional Cities

For more information contact:
Senior Vice President, Corporate Attraction | KCADC
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President | KC SmartPort
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Vice President | KC SmartPort
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