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KCADC Board Welcomes 2020 Leadership

by Megan Segura | Jan 07, 2020

Kansas City Region – This week, the Kansas City Area Development Council officially welcomed David Hall, executive vice chairman of Hallmark Cards, Inc., as senior co-chair of the KCADC Board of Directors. Hall is joined by incoming co-chair Lisa Ginter, chief executive officer of CommunityAmerica Credit Union, and 13 additional new members for the 2020 board year.

“I am excited to continue serving on the KCADC board, an organization which has been a leader in marketing and branding the KC region as a top destination for businesses and talented people,” said Hall. “With the launch of the KC Heartland campaign, I look forward to helping to carry the message of our region’s tremendous culture to the world and amplifying our global identity as the best place to live and work.”

Hall and Ginter will lead KCADC’s team of professionals to engage the world to invest in our OneKC region.

“I’m pleased to serve on the KCADC board,” said Ginter. “I have a great love for all people and things KC. I am honored to play a role in telling the KC region’s story to companies looking to grow or expand … to talented people that are looking for their next career move … to visitors, investors, clients, and our family and friends ”

Hall succeeds Beth Soukup, chief financial officer of JE Dunn Construction, who served as KCADC’s board co-chair for the past two years.

During Soukup’s two-year term as co-chair, the KC region attracted $564 million in new capital investment, resulting in 5,047 new jobs and $284 million in payroll. Notable announcements include USDA’s decision to locate operations of two key agencies in the region; eCommerce growth; the location of Hostess’ new distribution center and strategic locations for GEICO, Scollar, CarMax and more.

“We are so grateful for Beth’s leadership and thank all of our outgoing board members for their countless hours of contribution to KCADC and our region,” said Tim Cowden, president and CEO, Kansas City Area Development Council. “I look forward to a new year and the continued opportunity to have a positive impact on our KC Heartland.” 

KCADC welcomed several new members to its board, including Greg Canuteson, City of Liberty, Missouri; Keith Copaken, Copaken Brooks; Billy Douglass, HCA Midwest Health; Rachel Dwiggins, BKD CPAs & Advisors; David Frantze, Stinson; Marc Hahn, Kansas City University; Mark Iammarino, Turner Construction Company; Richard B. Myers, Kansas State University; Rich Smith, Henderson Engineers; John Stauffer, DEG; Nathan Tesmer, J.P. Morgan Chase; Rob Welker, Hoefer Wysocki and Bridgette Williams, Heavy Constructors Association of Greater Kansas City.

The KCADC Board of Directors is made up of 73 representatives of the organization’s corporate and community-based members. See a full list of board members.

About the Kansas City Area Development Council
The Kansas City Area Development Council is a private, nonprofit organization charged with representing the entire two-state, 18-county region of Greater Kansas City in marketing the area as a business and lifestyle destination. For more than 40 years, KCADC’s mission has been to brand the KC region as one product to stimulate economic growth and enhance awareness of the metro’s assets to create positive perceptions.

About KC Heartland
In 2018, Kansas City Area Development Council agreed to take on the task of defining the KC region’s global identity. After collecting input from 1,000 diverse members of the KC community and surveying 1,500 American consumers, the KC Heart icon was selected as the best representation of KC’s unique culture, values and influence. KC Heartland is a shared regional brand. To learn more, visit

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