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Recruiter Roundtable Recap | May 2022

by Logan Derosia | May 24, 2022
TeamKC, in partnership with T-Mobile, held its first in-person Recruiter Roundtable since pre-pandemic last week. And wow, was it good to be together again!

TeamKC May Recruiter Roundtable

We stuck to the hottest topics of the moment, including intern programs and return to office status. Here’s a quick rundown:

Recruiters are ecstatic to kick off their intern programs for the season. What’s the latest trend? The majority of attendees shared that their interns will be in-person (or a hybrid mix) for the first time in two years.

Preparation for these programs takes ample time and most companies in the region said they begin campus recruitment as far as a year in advance of the start date.

With in-office opportunities on the rise, housing for interns has been on everyone’s mind. While some companies mainly recruit within the region, meaning most of their interns have a place to stay, others recruit from around the world. Some solutions to assisting interns in housing needs include:  

  • T-Mobile covers travel expenses, housing and offers a Uber/Lyft budget to any intern more than 50 miles away from the office. 

  • Dimensional Innovations worked with Airbnb to find housing for its interns to stay in during the length of the internship.

  • Others provide stipends to assist or connect interns looking for roommates to alleviate costs.

Want to ensure that your interns have the ultimate KC experience? Don’t forget to sign up for the MyKC Intern Toolkit to access presentations, virtual tours and custom content.

Return to Office
The only thing that’s “standard” is that there is no one-size-fits-all solution for returning to the office. It depends on industry, size, company culture, etc. 

However, we are seeing a trend toward more requirements to be in the office, whether that be on specific days of the week, a smaller set of core hours, working directly within teams to determine, etc. Most organizations plan to continue flexible work days, noting that it makes for much happier employees.

Need to get employees excited about returning to the office? Check out BHC’s guest blog post to learn how they pulled off a week of successful “reteaming” events.

Many organizations also stated they have a heightened focus on mental health as they navigate RTO. T-Mobile says, “We’re better together,” and believes that being together in the office allows for employees to better take care of one another. Other companies are choosing to fully shut down their offices (even blocking access to email!) for weeks at a time to provide employees a fully unplugged break.

BTW - make sure you are following @team.kansascity on Instagram for some insightful mental health content we have planned this week.

TeamKC May Recruiter Roundtable

Not only did we have impactful conversations and make meaningful connections, but we also had the opportunity to explore T-Mobile’s recently renovated campus - including an on-site coffee shop, state-of-the-art gym and cafeteria. 🤯

Thanks again to T-Mobile for hosting and stay tuned for details on the next Recruiter Roundtable!

As always, don’t hesitate to reach out to Angela to find out how you can get more plugged in to TeamKC.

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