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To WFH or Not: In-person Protocols Often Dependent on Company Size

by Alexia Diamond | Sep 07, 2021

The pandemic granted employees more freedom than ever. Some companies adapted to the suddenness of it all by implementing hybrid work options, but a year later here we are– still in a pandemic. Companies, big and small, are trying their best to navigate the workplace amid Covid-19 and the Delta variant, but this disjointed approach could do more harm than good in the long run.

A recent study by The Business Journals emphasized the variety of Covid-19 protocols. For starters, some firms are reluctant to install the same protocols first used in 2020 because of vaccines, productivity and labor shortages. While this might sound assuring, as if we are in the final phases of the pandemic, roughly 53% of Americans are fully vaccinated according to the CDC and the path to herd immunity is very slim. This new scope is; changing many plans made over the summer.

The transition plan for many businesses, both large and small, was to bring employees back post-Labor Day weekend, but things have shifted with the infection rate of the variant. Reconsiderations are in the air, specifically for larger companies. Around 64% of larger companies have reassessed return plans, while only 35% of smaller companies will according to The Business Journals poll. With infection rates increasing and apprehension of consistent protocols, the future of the workplace remains uncertain.

In addition, the flexibility of employees' schedules may cause a stir in the workplace since many employees are currently taking advantage of the options provided. The freedom that employees hold is sure to change. Around 45% of organizations said they would like their employees to go by the schedules they set for them but will work with them on a case-by-case basis. 

Protocols for getting back to “normal” are highly dependent on company size. Check out the findings below: 

Small company protocols:

  • 33% are more likely to require proof of vaccination.

  • 81% allow in-person interaction with clients.

  • 41% require masks in common areas.

Large company protocols:

  • 25% will likely require proof of vaccination.

  • 63% allow in-person interaction with clients.

  • 57% require masks in common areas. 

As companies continue to navigate the ever evolving coordinates of health and safety protocols and what this means to the overall talent landscape, many are also revamping and reevaluating their talent attraction practices. Connect with the greater TeamKC network to knowledge-share, build big ideas and work together to elevate the KC region as a top destination for talent. Contact to get engaged. 

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