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Sourcing Talent? Be Proactive.

by Addie Linn | Dec 20, 2018

Last week, the TeamKC network gathered for the last Recruiter Roundtable of 2018. Coffee and conversation flowed at Spring Venture Group, whose recruiting team led group discussions. Hot topics from the workshop included hiring veterans, campus recruiting and out-of-the-box sourcing strategies. Our main takeaway? Think creatively and be proactive. We took notes so you didn’t have to, check out our recap:

Hiring Veterans
Sure, every company wants to hire Veterans, but good intentions can only get you so far. It’s important to know how to properly communicate with and accommodate Veteran candidates. Try utilizing Veterans within your organizations or individuals who are a spouse of a Veteran to help with the process.

When reviewing a resume, think about how skills listed are going to translate to the job description. Soft skills in particular will be assets that experienced Veterans will bring to the table. Ramp up your targeted efforts by attending Veteran-specific career fairs, checking out job sites like Army Cool and even obtaining Veteran information from unemployment offices or Veteran centers on college campuses.

Once you’ve sourced Veteran candidates – don’t neglect the post-hire, onboarding process. Consider offering Veteran-specific benefits, like PTSD support, continuing education, etc.. Also important – don’t neglect trailing spouses. Can your company offer resources to help your candidate’s spouse or partner feel at home? Whether that’s finding a job or placemaking in KC, be sure to accommodate additional family members to the best of your ability.

Campus Recruiting
Yes, recruiters should always be keeping an eye on the most creative ways to reach students. However, keep in mind that students are being taught to prepare for a job in a certain way. They may insist on giving you a hard copy of their resume or be hesitant to enter information electronically.

It’s important to meet students where they’re at and to communicate with them via platforms they’re already using. Whether that means dedicating resources to social media blasts or adapting to common campus platforms like HandShake, it’s crucial to research what tools your target students and campuses are using to connect with employers.

Additionally, focus on building relationships with students and reap the benefits for years to come. You can connect with underclassmen by speaking in classes or offering mentorship. Then, when those students are older and seeking job or internship opportunities, you’ll have already made that connection. Lastly, try offering solutions to your candidates’ biggest problem – student debt. Consider making student debt relief a part of your benefits package.

Unique Sourcing Strategies
The “post and pray” mentality is a thing of the past. You know this – and you know that it all comes down to being proactive, rather than reactive. Make sure you’ve partnered with your marketing team to create an ongoing campaign through your CRM or ATS technology. Think in terms of touch points and relationship building. How many points of contact need to be made before an action is taken? Consider passive candidates in your talent pool that aren’t quite ready to make the switch. If you’ve built an ongoing relationship with them, you’re more likely to win them over when they are ready.

Think strategically when it comes to posting too. Are you passing over candidates in small towns or rural areas? Some recruiters have found great success posting in small town “buy, sell, trades” or “swap shops.” Taking time to think about all possible candidates and doing research on how to reach them will save you in the long run.

To learn more about TeamKC and to get involved, contact Jessica Palm.

Special thanks to Kim McDonald and Paige Akins of Spring Venture Group for hosting the TeamKC network and leading discussions.

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