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What You’re Really “Selling” to Candidates During the Hiring Process

by Jessica Palm | Aug 04, 2016

Selling your job opening is just one step in hiring the best possible candidate for your company. TeamKC partner, Stacy Pursell, managing partner of The VET Recruiter, a division of the Pursell Group, shares the five "other" things a hiring manager needs to sell to candidates evaluating an opportunity with an employer.


When an organization has a job opening, and the hiring manager wants to fill that position with the best candidate possible, the hiring manager may believe that they must “sell” the opportunity to candidates.

That is absolutely true.

However, it would be a mistake to assume that the “selling” process stops there. It does NOT. If you only focus on the position, then you reduce the chances that you will successfully attract and hire the candidate you want.

Why is that? Because if you’re “selling,” then that means candidates are “buying.” If that’s the case, then it makes sense their decision would be based upon more than just the position itself. In fact, their decision is based upon much more than just that.

In addition to the position, below are five more things that you’re really “selling” to candidates during the hiring process: 

#1—Opportunities for growth and advancement
In May of this year, I wrote an article for TeamKC titled, “Top 10 Things That Attract Candidates to an Employer.” In that blog post, “Opportunities for growth and advancement” was listed as the #1 thing that attracts candidates. And remember, this list was compiled with information from a survey that was sent to a group of job seekers and candidates. In other words, the answer came straight from them.

#2—The chance for more training and/or certification 
Top candidates want to continually improve, progress and evolve. That’s part of what makes them top candidates in the first place. If they work for you, they don’t expect to stop evolving. So you shouldn’t expect them to stop, either. Let them know what options and opportunities exist and how they can take advantage of them.

#3—The company culture
Of course, the hiring manager and other officials within the organization should be concerned with how the potential employee will fit into the company culture. However, the candidate is also concerned about how they will fit into the culture. The issue of company culture has become more of a priority with candidates in recent years, especially among younger candidates. (Yes, I’m talking about Millennials.) 

#4—The organization’s standing within the industry
Everybody wants to work for a leader. That’s why where you stand in the industry is so important. Candidates intentionally seek out those employers that are well known and that are perceived as being market leaders. As a result, you should intentionally point out to candidates during the hiring process all of the things that puts your organization within that category.

#5—The organization’s mission statement and vision for the future
The first part of this is rather simple: candidates want to know what the organization stands for. As far as the second part is concerned, candidates want to know two things: the organization’s vision for the future and what role they might play in that vision if they were to be hired. If all of that sounds attractive to them, then they’re more likely to accept your offer of employment. 

How well does your organization “sell” the above things? Are they part of your pitch to candidates during the hiring process? If not, then you have not ensured the success of the process and you could be missing out on top talent that could have a huge impact on your organization. 

To learn more about The VET Recruiter, a division of the Pursell Group, contact Stacy Pursell. To learn more about TeamKC, contact Jessica Nelson.

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