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Top Questions from Candidates Exploring KC

by Jessica Palm | May 31, 2016
At TeamKC, we call it the “epiphany of the visit.” When candidates have the opportunity to explore our region throughout the interviewing process, they not only start to see themselves working at your company, they envisions themselves living in Kansas City. Regan Carrizales, founder of Kansas City tour company Locale and trusted TeamKC partner, shares top questions she hears from candidates evaluating our market:  

Less than a year ago, the concept for Locale was born. Now, having just wrapped up our 31st tour in partnership with six top Kansas City companies, we’re just getting started helping our businesses land talent from across the country and world.  

While each tour is uniquely crafted, there are a few questions that we can count on being asked by touring candidates. Last week during one of our prep sessions to craft a tour for a NYC-based family, our team compared notes and discovered a few surprising questions, along with the predictable questions, and discussed our responses. While the following are popular questions and sample responses, note each response is ever evolving and changing to reflect the innovation and growth of our city.  

So, without further ado, here is our list of the top Q&A with candidates:  

Do we have Uber?

Yes, Uber is here with the options of UberX, XL or SELECT. We’re still waiting on POOL to arrive, and like the rest of the country, Uber is a primary go-to for airport trips and nights out.

How hard is healthy living in this part of the country?

When it comes to consuming real, simple foods, our chefs and restaurants have redefined this Cowtown. Farm-to-table concepts and local partnerships with farmers can be found throughout the City — Room 39, The Sundry, and The Westside Local to name a few.  

Broadway Butcher Shop makes available grass-fed, sustainably raised meats daily, and with farmers markets in both Overland Park and the River Market, the quest to prep and cook with real, simple foods has been made easy.  

Additionally, the metro is home to many boutique fitness studios—whether a yoga or barre class are your focus, or whether you’re looking for strength training, doors are open to places like Core Power Yoga, Fusion Fitness, and ASC Training.   

Where do I get my cultural fix?

Let’s define cultural fix! Latin food, craft brewery scene, the symphony and special requests for Jiu Jitsu and French emersion schools have fallen into this category and we’ve quickly learned to narrow the scope of the question.  

Luckily, we live in a vibrant city that continues to surface artifacts of individual lifestyle choices that are critically important to those looking to create a home here.  

What is the cost of living?

There hasn’t been a tour where this question didn’t come up. Noting that we are neither realtors nor experts in the rental and housing markets, we do have an understanding of leasing and sale price ranges, and when shared, the overwhelming response has been positive.  

Typically, the quality of life candidates thought of regarding Kansas City is reevaluated and their perception changes—which is fun to watch as candidates go through the mental exercise of placing themselves in various settings and environments.  

Where is your favorite place?

This is a question that I’ve not wanted to answer because there are so many places in Kansas City I have love for! However, after being asked too many times to count, I’ve conceded and share the one place that currently moves and inspires me. It’s the view from top stair at Liberty Memorial overlooking the west side of the city. The paint-colored sunsets at dusk are remarkable.  

To learn more about Locale and its services, contact on of its insiders. To get involved with TeamKC and its portfolio of products and services, contact Jessica Nelson

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