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Top 10 Things That Attract Candidates to an Employer

by Jessica Palm | May 24, 2016

We hear the phrase “employer of choice” everyday. TeamKC partner, Stacy Pursell, managing partner of The VET Recruiter, a division of the Pursell Group, shares with us top things candidates look for when evaluating an opportunity with an employer:

stacypursellheadshotEarlier this year, The VET Recruiter conducted a survey of hundreds of candidates in the Veterinary and Animal Health industries. One of the questions we asked was:

What do you look for in an employer?

This is a short, seemingly simple, and straightforward question, but one that resulted in a wide array of answers. Instead of giving survey participants a choice, we left this as an open-ended question so the candidates could write whatever they wanted. 

Despite the open-ended nature of the question, some distinct patterns emerged as we analyzed the results. Clearly, candidates share common interests in terms of what they like (and don’t like) when it comes to both their job and their career.

According to the results of The VET Recruiter survey, below are the top 10 things that attract candidates to an employer:


      #9—Excellent products/new technology 

      #8—Stability within the industry 

      #7—Educational opportunities 

      #6—Company culture/supportive environment 

      #5—Good wages/benefits package 

      #4—Integrity/honesty/great reputation 

      #3—Fairness/to be treated with respect 

      #2—Strong leadership and vision for the future 

      #1—Opportunities for growth and advancement   

Did you notice that “good wages/benefits package” was only #5 on the list? Are you surprised that “fairness” was mentioned more than compensation? Or, that “opportunities for growth and advancement” is No. 1 on the list? 

The results of this survey did an excellent job of dispelling any myths that exist regarding what candidates want in their employer. In other words, what you thought was important to them might not line up with what is actually important to them.

How many of the items on the list above describe your organization? Are there any areas in which you believe you’re lacking? 

If you’re seeking to attract the best candidates in the marketplace, then these are the things to consider to attract them. After all, this list came straight from them.

They’re telling you what they value the most. It’s up to you to provide that value.

To learn more about The VET Recruiter, a division of the Pursell Group, contact Stacy Pursell. To learn more about TeamKC, contact Jessica Nelson.

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