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Dozens of KC Interns Pop Into the #PARKPOPUP

by Jessica Palm | Jul 09, 2015


Last week #InternKC, hosted its first event for young professionals spending time in Kansas City while interning with the region’s top employers.  

The speed sand volleyball tournament, coined #PARKPOPUP, included 27 teams made up of more than 175 interns.  

ParkPopUp Black Veatch

The free tournament was made possible in part by the generous donation of sand volleyball courts, a park shelter and desserts from the Shawnee Chamber of Commerce and the Shawnee Economic Development Council.


An intern-led program, #InternKC is spearheaded by intern liaisons, referred to as the #InternKC Social Team, from more than 30 major employers in KC. The Social Team brainstorms, plans and executes non-company specific events for young professionals throughout the Kansas City area.  


Finding and hiring top-notch talent can be an uphill climb, but recruiting them to a company is a whole other matter. Did you know: More than 80 percent of millennials choose a lifestyle and city before a job? This means the need for local companies to connect their interns to Kansas City is of the utmost importance for recruiting the best talent. #InternKC hooks interns on Kansas City and its companies by allowing them to connect with one another and explore all the region has to offer.  

To learn more about #InternKC, and get your company or community involved, contact me

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