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The Community with the Most Talented People Wins

by Jessica Palm | Apr 30, 2014

For nearly a decade, KCADC has worked to attract and retain new talent in Kansas City through our Talent Recruitment Initiative. With a proven track record of success, the initiative focuses on more than recruiting the best talent to Kansas City; it also assists Kansas City employers in selling their companies.

As economic development continues to evolve, attracting and maintaining the right talent pool is no longer a bonus, but a requirement. And the desire to attract young, particularly millennial, talent continues to rise to the top of many companies’ wish lists.

KCADC’s Talent Recruitment Initiative plays a central role in bringing the best and brightest young talent to companies across the KC region through a wide variety of services.

It’s working. KCADC’s leadership in attracting and retaining millennial talent was recently highlighted in an article written by business reporter, Kevin Collison in The Kansas City Star.

KCADC knows finding the right talent is key to a company’s, and the region’s, success. The 50+ KC area companies using the program know that KCADC’s Talent Recruitment Initiative draws the right talent to KC while sustaining our region’s economic growth and quality of life. KCADC’s efforts are focused on making it easier for companies to get a job candidate to fall in love with Kansas City along with the company.

All cities are in a race for talent, and the community with the most talented people wins. KCADC continues to strengthen Kansas City by attracting vital young talent, allowing Kansas City and its businesses to experience further growth.

Contact Jessica Nelson to learn more about KCADC’s Talent Recruitment Initiative and all of the tools and resources available to KCADC investors.

Making a Positive Difference by Helping Our Investors Grow

“The legacy of Hallmark Cards is built on the talent and innovation of young, creative people and is the critical ingredient to our future. It is the reason we spend a significant amount of time and energy cultivating relationships with those that influence the Millennial generation, host talented college interns each summer and embrace KCADC’s support in telling the story of KC’s culture and lifestyle,” Steve Doyal, senior vice president – public affairs and communications, Hallmark Cards, Inc.

“KCADC is an important extension of our team at Garmin. KCADC’s Talent Recruitment Initiative is instrumental in helping us deliver the KC message to candidates across the U.S. I know all the major employers in Kansas City use KCADC’s Talent Recruitment Initiative, but I feel like I’m the only customer they have due to the personal touch they provide,” Michelle Cormack, senior technical recruiter, Garmin International.

“KCADC offers a one-stop shop for Kansas City. The website and KC Options magazine are incredible resources. The breadth of different items available to us to talk about KC is amazing, and KCADC customizes all of it specifically for Burns & McDonnell,” Jennifer Parker, recruitment manager, Burns & McDonnell.

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KC by the Numbers - List of KC ratings & rankings

Brand Toolkit - Icons and logos for KCADC and its initiatives

Photo Library - Stock images of the KC region

Video Library - Video content for KCADC and its initiatives 

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