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Building a Smarter Warehouse

by User Not Found | Jun 30, 2015

The four fixed and immovable walls serving as a nexus for the distribution network may have worked more than two decades ago, but today’s warehouses are a hub of technology reaching beyond four walls. Cloud computing, omnichannel management, big data and last mile logistics are reforming the world of warehouses and distribution centers.

Inbound Logistics reports these technologies and material handling innovations have become a key player in building smarter warehouses. Three traits make the warehouse smart— visibility, mobility and flexibility.

Visibility refers to the ability to view the operations happening inside the warehouse. This happens with Ominchannel Management which gives users data in real time which provides a holistic view of the warehouse.

Mobility, the ability to access data from anywhere, is reliant on cloud computing. Big data and cloud computing are key factors within the flexibility trait. Combined they allow the systems to communicate with each other across multiple warehouse locations, making it possible for companies to provide the fastest shipping times.

Smart warehouse innovations are launching every day and will likely replace some routine tasks that still exist on the warehouse floor. This will, in turn, reduce the number of workers in the warehouse, opening up opportunities to reassign key staff to other positions and adding efficiency to the supply chain process. Scenarios can now be simulated with real time data to optimize or avert problems before they arise. These practices will likely result in eliminating delays in shipping as well as reducing cost all around.

Read more about the evolution of warehousing technology here.

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