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Logistics Park Kansas City Provides Significant Economic Impact on the State of Kansas

by Mary Rooney | Feb 07, 2022

EDGERTON, Kan. – A new study from Wichita State University’s W. Frank Barton School of Business Center for Economic Development and Business Research shows Logistics Park Kansas City (LPKC) is an economic powerhouse for the State of Kansas.

Logistics Park Kansas City (LPKC) in Edgerton has changed the face of logistics in the State of Kansas. According to the study, “LPKC has an estimated 4,735 full-time equivalent workers. The regional cluster, which includes Johnson, Miami, and Wyandotte Counties, has an estimated 22,171 people working in logistics. There were just less than 42,000 people at the state level, meaning that the industrial cluster in northeast Kansas represents about 53 percent of all the jobs within the state.”

“In firsthand accounts from employees at Logistics Park Kansas City, we know LPKC has provided a new type of career opportunity for local families allowing them to buy their first home, pay off debt or purchase a car. This career path opens up opportunities for people to better their lives and their families’ lives,” said Edgerton Mayor Donald Roberts.

The public is also seeing significant benefits because of the explosive growth at Logistics Park Kansas City and across the logistics industry in Kansas. LPKC and the logistics cluster in Northeast Kansas generated over $2 billion of labor income and just shy of $6 billion in total output in 2020.

“To put this in perspective, Kansas’s gross domestic product in 2020 was 173.3 billion dollars. That means that the cluster directly represents 1.6% of the entire Kansas economy and supports 3.4% of the state’s overall economic activity,” the study’s authors write. “In 2020, the estimated public benefit directly created from LPKC $61.5 million for both state and local governments across Kansas. Sales taxes were the most prominent source of public revenue at $26.3 million.”

The study shows that the firms at LPKC have a significant impact on other businesses as well, supporting over 3,800 jobs ranging from grocery stores and restaurants to business-to-business transactions, like banking, security and legal services.

“The impact of Logistics Park Kansas City to not only the region but the state of Kansas as a whole cannot be overstated,” said ElevateEdgerton! President James Oltman. “The study found that LPKC firms generated an additional $473 million in sales from outside companies. The logistics and distribution sector is expected to continue to grow with the rise of e-commerce and direct-to-consumer shopping. Edgerton is proud to be able to help provide a positive impact and a better future for every Kansan.”

View the full report.

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