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Opportunities in the Supply Chain Workforce

by Mary Rooney | Oct 04, 2021

As global supply chain disruptions persist across many industries, companies have been forced to focus on the existing and future supply chain workforce pipeline. It has also prompted schools to refresh their supply-chain curricula and vocational training to make sure the next generation of logistics professionals are prepared for future needs.

Supply chain classes are exploring new topics in response to the recent supply chain disruptions. A recent article by Bloomberg said business schools are now emphasizing topics including risk mitigation, data analytics and production reshoring—while also carving out room to explore more intangible topics such as ethics, communication, and sustainability. Supply chain classroom discussions are also exploring how machine learning and artificial intelligence impact manufacturing and inventory decisions.

There are many different types of professionals in the supply chain industry and various career paths. However, across the industry, there is a shortage of available and skilled supply chain labor. This is impacting how companies operate and plan for the future.

For example, the American Trucking Association identified a shortage of approximately 60,800 drivers in 2018, a shortage that worsened to 80,000 fewer available drivers by 2020, according to an article from Food Logistics magazine. The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) Manufacturers’ Outlook Survey continues to find that attracting and retaining a quality workforce is one of the top business challenges for manufacturers. 

With that being said, 93% of supply chain professionals responded to the CSCMP Supply Chain Quarterly’s Annual Salary Survey saying they would recommend the field to someone entering the job market or contemplating a career change. Plus, the compensation for a supply chain career can be very rewarding, with an average annual salary of $131,771 from the survey respondents.

The Kansas City region is taking a proactive approach to fill the supply chain pipeline. The region has several local training programs that are focused on preparing the labor force for the current and upcoming jobs in the supply chain industry. Numerous educational institutions in the area have supply chain management programs for degree-seeking students, as well as vocational training for those looking to enter the job market quickly or obtain additional training for a current position. Local companies are working closely with educational institutions to ensure both degree pathway and certification curriculum align with current supply chain workforce needs.

Learn more about the Kansas City region’s supply chain workforce development programs. 


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