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FreightWaves TV Features Kansas City Industrial Market

by Mary Rooney | Feb 02, 2021

Chris Gutierrez recently appeared on the FreightWaves TV - “What the Truck” show, sharing why the Kansas City region has a booming eCommerce distribution scene.

What the Truck-image

“Momentum around the Kansas City industrial market has been building over the last 10 years. In the last two to three years we’ve seen it explode with industrial spec development, and eCommerce distribution has been a huge contributor to the growth for the KC region,”  said Chris Gutierrez, president of Kansas City SmartPort, the Kansas City regional economic development group focused on freight-based growth.

In this episode, Chris discusses how the Kansas City region successfully attracted 12 manufacturing, eCommerce and distribution companies from outside of the market, pledging to create more than 3,000 jobs and nearly $1 billion in 2020. Read more about the 2020 KC Industrial market.

As the crossroads of North America, Kansas City offers a strong advantage for eCommerce operations. The region is known as one of the nation’s top five trucking centers, as 85% of the U.S. population can be reached from a Kansas City location in two days or less.

Watch the episode (See Chris starting at 42.5 minutes), and learn more about KC SmartPort’s business attraction efforts.

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