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COVID-19 Impact on Consumer Behaviors

by Mary Rooney | Jun 02, 2020

Article from Total Retail

Since COVID-19 was declared a pandemic, shopping habits in the U.S. have rapidly and fundamentally changed, leaving the consumer packaged goods (CPG) and retail industries to adapt and rise to an unprecedented occasion. Consumers have not only altered what they buy, but also how they buy.

Two months into the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a new wave of changes in consumer behavior. Many consumers are becoming more accustomed to the current way of life, while also anticipating what shopping will look like once the crisis subsides.

eCommerce continues to rise in popularity and in-store trips continue to decline; shoppers are making 52 percent fewer store trips. The COVID-19 pandemic is likely to have a lasting effect on eCommerce as its popularity continues to grow. 

According to a shopper survey, in a four-week period ending April 7, 2020, 51 percent of shoppers placed an online order and 33 percent made their first ever online grocery order. What’s more, 75 percent of online shoppers said they were very or extremely satisfied with their online grocery experience. In addition, 31 percent of shoppers said it’s extremely or very likely that they will do more online grocery pickup or delivery than they did before.

Consumer behavior will undoubtedly continue to change. It remains as important as ever for retailers and brands to recognize changing shopper attitudes and behaviors, and adapt quickly to meet their needs. 

Read more from Total Retail.

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